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About me

Besides working as a startup and management consultant with different core areas - amongst others I am also accredited for the "Founder Coaching Germany" of the KfW Mittelstandsbank (Bank for Small and Medium Sized Businesses) and the government-aided consulting service of the BAFA - I am also a freelance lecturer and trainer at different colleges and educational institutions in Germany.

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An interview with Welt am Sonntag, dated 5 June 2011: "Company with migration background"

Educational background and work history:

Born and raised in Masuria (Olsztyn/Poland), I moved to Germany in 1989, where I trained as a health care support worker. After that I completed a two-year training to be a licensed teacher for people with special needs and spent the following twelve years working with disabled people. Parallely I worked as a paramedic and an active member of the German Red Cross (DRK).

Then I started my academic career:

M.A. in Social Management: Extra-occupational business studies in the social and healthcare segment (Niederrhein University and Muenster University of Applied Sciences)

Social Economist (Dipl. Social Manager): Applied economics in the social and healthcare segment (Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences)

B.A. with Honours in Business Studies:
University studies in business sciences
(Dundee Business School in Schottland/UK)

In the making:

Bild Logo Diversity-Experten Erweiterung der Beratungstätigkeit auf international & global agierenden KMUs mit dem Schwerpunkt Expansion ins Ausland, neue Märkte und Auslandswirtschaft

Bild Logo Diversity-Experten Expansion of the consulting business to Human Resources (HR) and Organizational Management (HROM) within the Diversity context, starting mid of 2012:

Startups Berlin We keep growing:
Soon you can find us also in Berlin!
Our Berlin office will open by the middle of 2012:

Current activities:

Seit 05/2012 Geschäftsführer / Chief Executive Officer (CEO) der B.A.R.T.E.K.-International GmbH in Hamburg, mehr Informationen:

Since 02/2012: Contract teacher at Berlin School of Public Health (BSPH) at the Charité in Berlin, focus areas: Diversity, Diversity Management and Diversity Marketing in health care and in particular Public Health

Since 04/2009: Lecturer and author at the APOLLON University of Applied Sciences / School of Healthcare Management in Bremen. Core areas: Marketing/Healthmarketing, Diversity Marketing and Management in B.A./M.A. study programs of Healthcare Economics and Management

Since 08/2009, I am doing my Ph.D. about Diversity and Diversity Management (DiM) at the University of Duisburg-Essen

My current projects and activity fields

Bild Logo kfw For further information and details about me, please see the Consultant Exchange of the KfW Mittelstandsbank

Bild Logo BAFA Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch in der Berater- und Schulungsbörse des Bundesamtes für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) - bitte Beraternamen: "Matuko" eingeben.

01/2011 - 12/2011: Scientific employee and teacher (part-time) at the Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel (CAU), focus areas: development of a master course of studies and teaching/research in the area of Diversity, Diversity Management and Workforce Diversity

Jointly responsible for the Diversity Management portal of the prorectorate

2006-2009 Scholarship holder at the Cusanuswerk in Bonn

In the making:

Global Headhunting Globale/Internationale Vermittlung von Fachkräften

Go Globl Außenwirtschaftsberatung und Internationalisierung