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All startup entrepreneurs need to define and bring across their individual unique selling points. Now what makes your consultant different from the competitors?

Bild Stempel: Förderung der Kfw und der BAFA

In my startup and management consultancies I offer you

Consultations in German, English, Polish and Russian by the owner himself

If required, also in Turkish
through co-operation partnersBild Türkische Flagge

A profound interest in your personality as a business founder and in your business idea

Many years of successful self-employment in different professional fields

A large network of experts from manifold business areas and professions

Bilateral connections with decision makers (in Hamburg and beyond the city limits, on local, federal, national
and EU level)

Vast international work experience and business contacts

Intercultural/multicultural competencies and orientation

Maximum flexibility and 24/7 availability

As needed, a systemic consulting approach

My expertise from the Diversity perspective

Myself as a consultant accredited by the KfW Mittelstandsbank for the Founder Coaching Germany

Myself as a management consultant licensed for BAFA products

mein Unternehmen als zugelassenes Schulungs- und Trainingsunternehmen

Bild Mehrsprachigkeit

Furthermore, my clients get access to

Valuable password protected online resources like files and different kinds of templates and documents

International, national and regional networks, co-operation partners and decision makers

Experts from different fields and professions